D is for…

Count your blessings, name them one by one…

Welcome to D week!

I’m using Thursday posts to focus on thankfulness — and instead of counting blessings, I’m challenging myself to come up with them alphabetically.  (You can find the rest of these posts here.)

This week, I am particularly thankful for our deck — and by extension, our back yard:

deck in use

deck in use

I didn’t sneak out back in time to get a picture of 8 teenagers hanging out here. They had already moved onto the grass:

How much do I love this scene, where a group of new seniors has welcomed a little brother to join them? (A: a lot!)

How much do I love this scene, where new seniors have welcomed a little brother to join them?        (Answer: a lot!)

Photo taken before they moved into a game of Ninja

Photo taken before they moved into a game of Ninja

All of these teens were a joy to be around yesterday as they celebrated their last day of school. They were out of classes before noon and happily settled into the backyard, enjoying each others company and being the kind of polite folks you would be thrilled to have hanging around your house.

And really, it wasn’t their fault that the hammock broke…

Class of 2014: H-J and friends

Class of 2014: H-J and friends

Please share something for which YOU are thankful today.

11 thoughts on “D is for…

  1. No D’s are springing to mind, but I’m very thankful that Emma and her two friends are happy to be swimming in 76 degree pool water –the noise and chaos is outside, rather than inside 🙂 And I love to see them all being so active and having so much fun.

  2. I am sure there are so many things that begin with the letter D to be thankful for. One for sure is my DAD. He is a strong man that has taught me so much. As we have 5 daughters that would be my second thing to be thankful for or would that be 2 ~ 6? Yes all 5 of them are wonderful and I love each one of them.

  3. I’ll give you a different D. D for Driving! While I really enjoyed driving my sons around, I was so happy for them when they got their licenses and could experience the freedom themselves. Now they can drive me!

    And kudos to the teens for including the younger brother. Frank and his friends were always great about including little Ernest. I think that was a big part of Ernest being so grown-up at a young age. My little man!

  4. What a great place you have for them to be gathering! I loved having my son’s friends hang out at our house – you’ve made a place where they feel welcome.

  5. I am thankful for my deck, too, where I am about to take my after-breakfast before-work coffee. Also for the reminder to figure out where to hang my hammock in this new yard. It wasn’t a priority back in August the way finding clothes and dishes was.

  6. Aw, they look like the best kind of teenagers–friends and happy and not socially striving. I pray my sons get in groups like that someday.
    Today I’m thankful for a weekend with just a few things on the calendar.

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