Have you hugged your support network today?

In my early days of blogging, I joined a photography meme called the Weekly Words Challenge. The WWC is [sadly] no longer active and some of the participants are no longer blogging, but I am still friends with a number of them on facebook: G-man (Scott), Tink, Gary, Glass half full Gal, Chatty, Karen (a fellow lover of Diet Coke),Angie, Knight, Aunt Jackie, Janet, Jay Man, Reb, Karen, and others.  And it was via facebook on Monday that I learned of the sudden and unexpected death of Scott’s beautiful wife, Heather. In his posts that mentioned her, he always refered to her as “my lovely wife”; he admired and loved his wife and it was clear to his readers that this was true. Scott says that they have an incredible support network, but I can’t help but cry out in prayer for him and their two young daughters.

Facebook has also reconnected me with friends from our years in El Paso. Sunday evening, I noticed a reference on my homepage about a friend there, so I immediately messaged her husband and her sister. It turns out that a wound on her foot became infected with a flesh eating bacteria. It was incredible fast moving: Wednesday she was at work, Thursday she was hospitalized, Friday her leg was amputated to save her life. Had they done nothing, she would have been dead by Saturday

Both of these women became ill in the last 2 weeks. One has a long recovery ahead before she can literally be a walking miracle — but with positive attitude and surrounded by a great support network, she will make it. The other woman barely had time to get a cancer diagnosis before cancer took her from her friends and family, much too soon. Her family is already surrounded by a wonderful support network and they are much needed.

So… how is this a Thankful Thursday post? I know, it is kind of a downer to read. I continue to pray for these people and others. I pray for peace and comfort and compassion from all who come in contact with them. And I thank God that they have a support network upholding them during these difficult, heart-wrending times.
